Educational Offerings
The Global Women’s Center for Peace and Enlightenment offers residential and distance education programs.
Residential Programs in Planning
Maharishi College of Enlightenment
Maharishi College of Enlightenment offers women the opportunity to explore in detail the source of all knowledge, the unified field of natural law, and to discover that this field and all its expressions are their own Self, thus making all knowledge personally relevant.
Ideal Girls‘ School
Offering teenage girls the opportunity to develop self-sufficiency and self-confidence, unfold their full creative potential, and grow in enlightenment while studying for a high school degree through a Consciousness-Based approach to education.
Distance Programs
MUE Online
MUE Online is a learning platform that offers women a holistic approach to education, developing the individual’s inner consciousness and clarity of mind through self-improvement courses that provide both knowledge and personal growth in an accessible, inclusive, and nourishing learning environment.
MIU Forest Academy at GWCPE
Full Moon Broadcasts
Monthly broadcasts on Maharishi Channel℠ 5 feature presentations relating Maharishi Vedic Science to topics of interest.